Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating an Advanced Footsteps Preset

Krotos Studio Pro 101: Creating an Advanced Footsteps Preset


Follow along in this tutorial to understand how footsteps presets can be designed and operated in Krotos Studio Pro.

Building a more advanced footsteps preset

Here’s a step by step guide to creating a more complex footsteps preset in Krotos Studio.

  1. In the hamburger menu, click load factory presets, open the preset templates folder and select footsteps template 01.

The layout for this preset is as follows:


Tab 1 - left footsteps

Tab 2 - right footsteps


Engine 1 - heels on a concrete surface

Engine 2 - toes on a concrete surface

Engine 3 - heels on a gravel surface

Engine 4 - toes on a gravel surface

Using the release trigger to control footsteps

We can control the space between the heel and toe sounds being triggered. This is done with the release trigger in the sampler engine.

Disable the release trigger in the heel engines, and enable it in the toe engine. This way, we can trigger the heel sounds when we click the mouse, and toe sounds when we release it.

We have disabled the note trigger button. This ensures that we won't trigger the sound effect when we are moving across the surface of the XY pad.

Using Panning

In this preset, I have panned the left foot ever so slightly to the left, and similarly the right foot to the right. This adds a little bit of dimension to the footsteps, as if walking from a first person perspective.

Our preset is finished! Now we can:

  • Create heel and toe sounds separately using the release trigger
  • Trigger the left and right footsteps with their own button
  • Move across surfaces with the XY pad

Learn more from the other tutorials in our 101 Series:

How to create an ambience preset

How to create a footsteps preset

How to create an advanced footsteps preset

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